Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) wish to extend our sympathy to the Board, Management, Technical Team, Playing Body, Staff, the family of deceased and all Supporters of Kumasi Asante Kotoko following Wednesday’s night (12th July, 2017). Unfortunate accident while the team was returning from Accra after a mid-week match.




We as an advocacy group are devastated by the tragic accident which claimed the life of one Official, One Mr. Kofi Asare, while others including players sustained various degree of injuries. We send our condolences to the family of the deceased.

We as an advocacy group are taking the opportunity to plead to the Transport Ministry and the Minister to layout good measures in other to reduce incident accident occurrences on our roads drastically since one of our priorities aims is to ensure safety in our country.


We suggest to the Minister and the Ministry and to all Ghanaians the need for us to acquire the basic knowledge of Safety by educating ourselves on safety precaution rather than the changing of license or otherwise which will not help in the reduction of accidents and in mistakes made by people’s in accidents occurrence.

When we educate ourselves on the basic knowledge of Safety it will enable us minimize our mistakes in other to avoid/minimize accidents and pre-matured death which are resulting in widowing and orphaning.

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) are pleading to the Government and its Agencies that, it will be necessary for us to locate the cause of a problem first in other to find out solutions to them than to just come out and talk about a problem without detecting it cause and finds out solutions to them which will not help us an individual but the growth and well-being of our country at large.

News released on 17th July, 2017 at Sunsum FM a based radio station.


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