The government and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) have been in the spotlight for their pursuit of Nana Kwame Bediako (Cheddar¬) over tax claims. This has raised concerns about the motive behind this pursuit and whether it is an attempt to discredit him through witch-hunting. Witch-hunting, in any form, is a practice that has no place in a modern and progressive society. This aims to explore the reasons why Ghana should refrain from engaging in such practices and why the government and GRA should focus on fair and just means of addressing tax claims.
The pursuit of Cheddar over tax claims should be approached with fairness and transparency. The government and GRA must demonstrate that their actions are based on legitimate concerns regarding tax compliance and not driven by personal feuds or attempts to silence dissenting voices. By refraining from engaging in witch-hunting practices, the government can uphold the principles of justice and fairness that are essential for a functioning democracy.
In conclusion, Nana Kwame Bediako has been in the country since 2013 and GRA failed to approach him to pay his taxes, why now that he announced his presidential ambition? It shouldn’t be like he’s been witch-hunted because of his ethnical background – Mr. Emmanuel Arthur (CEO) 



Ghana is known for its changeable and often unrestrained weather patterns, including heavy rainfall. If the EC decides to close the election at 3pm, such as in the late afternoon or early evening, there is a notable risk that heavy rainfall may occur on that day. This would have a direct impact on the delivery of electoral materials to polling stations, as it would become increasingly difficult for transportation to navigate flooded roads and deliver the necessary materials to ensure the smooth running of the election.

In a study conducted by the Electoral Commission of Ghana in 2016, it was found that adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall, directly impacted voter turnout in certain regions. The study highlighted that in areas where heavy rainfall occurred on the day of the election, voter turnout was significantly lower compared to areas where the weather was favorable. This underscores the fact that adverse weather conditions can directly impact the electoral process by disenfranchising citizens.

EC claiming some polling stations may be empty at 1pm is false because some voters may close from work to cast their votes at the same particular time, also they must reconsider the decision to close the election at 3pm. Instead, they should adopt a more flexible approach, allowing the election to continue until all eligible voters have had the opportunity to cast their ballots. This approach would ensure that adverse weather conditions do not hinder the delivery of electoral materials and the participation of voters, ultimately upholding the integrity of the electoral process. – Mr. Emmanuel Arthur (CEO)

President extolled for refusing to sign the Anti witchcraft bill – ASIG

In recent times, the issue of passing bills and legislation has been a topic of great importance in Ghana, President Nana Addo Danquah’s refusal to sign the anti-witchcraft bill showcases his commitment to safeguarding democratic principles and ensuring that legislation is thoroughly scrutinized before becoming law. By recognizing that not every proposed bill should be passed, he demonstrates a keen understanding of the separation of powers between parliament and other branches of government.

The president’s decision serves as a reminder that it is not solely up to legislators to determine which bills become law. The attorney general plays a crucial role in defending all cases, including those related to legislation. This highlights the need for careful consideration and evaluation before any bill is passed.

President refusal to sign the anti-witchcraft bill draws attention to another touchy issue currently before parliament – the LGBTQ+ bill. This proposed legislation seeks to criminalize certain aspects related to LGBTQ+ rights in Ghana under existing provisions within the 1960 criminal code.

The president’s stance on refusing to sign unnecessary bills raises questions about whether or not similar study should be applied when considering bills such as this one. It prompts us to reflect on whether or not it is necessary for parliamentarians to spend valuable time debating and passing laws that may infringe upon individual rights and freedoms.

President Nana Addo Danquah’s refusal to sign the anti-witchcraft bill showcases his commitment to thoughtful governance and respect for democratic processes. This decision also brings attention to the ongoing debate surrounding the LGBTQ+ bill before parliament, emphasizing the need for careful consideration and evaluation of proposed legislation – Mr. Emmanuel Arthur (CEO)

The current incident of military brutality against residents of Garu in the Upper East Region has raised significant concerns and highlighted the need for urgent action. As citizens were subjected to violence by personnel of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), it is vital to reconsider the role of the military in addressing national security issues. Rather than resorting to beating innocent citizens, the Ghana Armed Forces should channel their efforts to joining international efforts, such as the Israel-Hamas conflict, where their expertise and training can be effectively utilized. The Defense Minister and the Chief Commander of the Ghana Arm Forces must investigate and punish the commander in charge who gave the green light.

We are also calling for immediate release of 8 residents who were arrested by the military.

The recent incident involving members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) attacking a media house, UTV, is a clear example of this uncivilized behavior. The NPP leadership had expressed concerns about the criticism and mockery of the government on UTV’s United Showbiz program. While it is understandable for political parties to have concerns about media coverage, it is important to address these concerns in a civilized manner, through dialogue and communication.

Attacking a media house is not only a violation of media freedom but also a display of immaturity and intolerance. It shows a lack of respect for the principles of democracy and undermines the very foundation of a free and independent media. In a democratic society, the media plays a crucial role in holding the government accountable and providing a platform for different voices and opinions. Attacking the media only serves to silence dissent and stifle public discourse.

Such behavior reflects poorly on the party involved. It gives the impression that the party is unable to handle criticism or engage in a constructive dialogue. Instead of addressing the concerns raised by the media and the public, the party chooses to resort to intimidation and violence. This not only damages the reputation of the party but also undermines its credibility and trustworthiness.

In the 21st century, political parties should focus on retaining power through democratic means, rather than resorting to gangsterism. Power should be earned through the support of the people, based on the party’s policies, achievements, and credibility. Attacking a media house not only distracts from these important factors but also alienates potential supporters and damages the party’s image.

The importance of media freedom and independence cannot be overstated. It is through the media that the public is informed, educated, and engaged in political processes. A free and independent media is essential for a functioning democracy, as it serves as a check on government power and ensures transparency and accountability. Attacking the media not only undermines its role but also threatens the very foundations of democracy.


The political landscape in Ghana has been marred by a disturbing trend of tribal, ethnic, and insult politics. This unfortunate phenomenon has not only affected politicians but also influential figures such as the Governor of the Bank of Ghana. The use of abusive and unmanageable words by these individuals is highly condemnable and sets a negative example for the younger generation.

One incident that highlights this issue is when the Governor of the Bank of Ghana used derogatory language towards protestors. Such behavior is unbecoming of someone in his position and undermines the credibility and integrity of our institutions. It sends a message that resorting to insults rather than engaging in constructive dialogue is acceptable.

These actions have far-reaching consequences on Ghanaian youths who are active on social media platforms. They observe and absorb these toxic behaviors, which then become reflected in their own online interactions. This perpetuates a cycle of negativity, divisiveness, and intolerance among our youth.

It is crucial for politicians to recognize their responsibility as public figures and leaders. They should prioritize unity over division, respect over insults, and constructive dialogue over tribalism or ethnicity. By doing so, they can set an example for future generations to follow.

It is disheartening to witness politicians engaging in tribal, ethnic, and insult politics in Ghana. The recent incident involving the Governor of the Bank of Ghana using abusive language towards protestors exemplifies this concerning trend. These actions have detrimental effects on our youth who emulate such behavior on social media platforms. It is imperative for politicians to desist from such practices and instead promote unity, respect, and constructive dialogue for a better future for our nation. – Mr. Emmanuel Arthur (C.E.O)


For nearly three decades, Ghana has been hailed as a beacon of democratic progress in Africa. However, recent events have cast a dark shadow over our hard-won democratic gains. The forthcoming 2024 elections are now being threatened by the conduct of key institutions such as the Police and the Electoral Commission.

During the recent “Occupy Jubilee House” demonstrations, we witnessed how protesters were met with excessive force from the Ghana police. Peaceful citizens exercising their constitutional rights were met with violence, undermining trust in our security forces’ impartiality and creating an environment of fear.

Furthermore, we cannot overlook the concerns surrounding the Electoral Commission. For free and fair elections to be upheld in 2024, it is paramount that this body remains unbiased and transparent in its operations. However, doubts have arisen about the Commission’s independence due to perceived political interference.

As Ghanaians who cherish democracy, we must not remain silent nor ignore these warning signs. Our very own institutions—the Police, the Judiciary and the Electoral Commission—must be held accountable for their actions.

Let us use our collective voice to save democracy in Ghana. We must continue to engage in peaceful activism and demand transparency from those entrusted with protecting our democratic rights.

It’s not just about winning or losing an election—it’s about safeguarding our cherished democracy that has made Ghana what it is today. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to uphold our democratic values and ensure that our voices will never be silenced by any institution.

Thank you for listening and may God bless our beloved nation, Ghana. – Mr. Emmanuel Arthhur (CEO)


ECOWAS leaders must acknowledge the greed that has led to coup d’états in West Africa. This issue demands attention not just for Niger, but also Mali and Burkina Faso whose issues seem forgotten compared to their neighbor’s. A root cause of such instability is a lack of good judicial systems in many African countries; however, western states who support democracy should be sure to ensure these leaders stop corruption by any means necessary if we are ever going reach true progress on an international level.


Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana urges Parliament to thoroughly examine anti-LGBTQ+ bill before passing it into law

Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) has emphasized the need for Parliament to carefully analyze the proposed anti-LGBTQ+ Bill currently under review.

The organization urges lawmakers to take their time in studying the potential consequences and impact of the bill, particularly on marginalized communities.

In a joint statement signed by Mr Emmanuel Arthur, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr Clinton Adu Gyamfi, IT and Research Assistant of ASIG, the organization highlights the importance of MPs fulfilling their duties with diligence, impartiality, and fairness.

The statement emphasizes that the issue at hand is a legal matter and should not be influenced by religious, cultural, or personal opinions.

The statement also references the recent Supreme Court ruling in the case involving Mr Daniel Yaw Domelevo, the former Auditor General, and the state. ASIG expresses concern over the Attorney General‘s office’s inability to effectively defend the government’s position in accordance with the Labor Act, Act 651 of 2003, and the Restrictions Act of 2020. This raises doubts about the competence and impartiality of the country’s legal system, according to ASIG.

ASIG points out that the Supreme Court’s ruling on Mr Domelevo’s case highlighted the potential conflicts with Article 12(1) and Article 21 of the 1992 constitution, which could have implications for Ghana if the proposed LGBTQ+ Bill is passed in its current form.

The statement further argues that while the state can prevent same-sex marriages to curb homosexuality, restricting individuals’ freedom of movement contradicts the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the 1992 constitution.

ASIG calls on Parliament to carry out its responsibilities professionally and resist succumbing to pressure from any groups or individuals, ensuring that the legislative process is conducted with fairness and impartiality.


The government says all it’s flagship programs including the ambitious Free SHS policy will continue to run regardless of the challenges confronting the country’s economy.This is contrary to earlier suggestion by the Minister of Information,Kojo Oppong Nkrumah that all the 16 flagship programs of the government including the Free SHS were up for possible review.With regards to it now, pressure is mounting on the Akufo Addo government to review free SHS in particular as it takes a huge chunk revenues. As a civil society organization spearhearding social justice in the country, our strong opinion to the government is to make Free SHS, a Secondary Educational Levy instead of Electronical levy in the country representing 0.5% in the policy.The Director of the group,Mr.Emmanuel Arthur says,Ghanaians would have understood the educational levy rater, if the Secondary Educational Levy was implemented. He added that in order to make the Secondary Educational Levy successful, gov’t should drop the E-Levy charges of 1.5% to either 0.5% in and out across board or 1% to aid government accumulate enough funds to support the secondary education and such move will pave way for the needy to desist from seeking support from other source.We are adding that per, the analysis conducted, if the IMF conditionalities could cancel the Free SHS policy, about 20-25% cannot have access to the SHS.Government should not plan of canceling the Free SHS if the IMF move is endorsed.

Mr Arthur added that the vice President, Dr.Bawumia in his recent lectures said the fastest growing economy in Sub Sahara Africa is Ghana, then he does not see why the nation should join IMF. Though the IMF move is good and its the only option the govenment have without IMF bailout, the government cannot execute any project such as Agenda 111 and therefore, they should desist from comment they think does not constitute to the development of this nation”he lamented. ASIG is calling on the government not to roll back free SHS but rather change the E-Levy to Secondary Educational levy to support education system in the country.

Signed: Mr. Emmanuel Arthur (CEO)





The superior Court gave its ruling on 9th March, 2022 which allows both the first and second Deputy Speakers to participate in any voting that take place in the House after taking the seat as Speakers.

Though the decision made by the Supreme Court may not help but does not affect any Political Party; it rather goes against ordinary Ghanaian citizens and the ruling government.

Further, the powers has been vested in Judiciary and they are to make a decision with their own interpretation that suit them politically or fairly which has no means to affect any party so we don’t see  why the ruling party is happy whiles the oppositions are unhappy.

ASIG is reminding Ghanaians that till 9th march, 2022 there was no law of such for some people to shower themselves with praises, the Supreme Court was supposed to consider when the opposition becomes the Majority; many developmental projects could be affected

Let us put mechanism in place the best way we will separate the Majority Leader from Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Government Business. This is because as it has happen now; as we got such ruling from the Supreme Court, it could also happen those years to come, the Majority will be in opposition, that time we cannot use that Majority Leader as Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Government Business. This is what we suppose to think of as a nation and not to praise or condemn the decision.

Whether or not the decision has already been made and any country that faces judicial challenges does not affect a political party but rather ordinary citizens. All the developing countries that twist judicial system always ends in hardship because the World Bank knows how a democracy is run and easy for them to suspect you are trying to build a one party state.

Even, if they passed judgement because of e-levy, it doesn’t cost a political party but rather Ghanaians.


Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), has urged the need for country to take a second look at the safety issues in the mining sector.

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Safety in the mining sector must be on the front burner of national discourse to help find new and appropriate standards to ensure the protection of the population and environment in mining communities.

These were contained in a statement signed by Mr Arthur and issued in Kumasi to react to the explosion disaster at Appiatse near Bogoso in the Western Region.

About 13 people were reported to have lost their lives while many others suffered various degrees of injuries in the explosion that occurred on January 20, 2022, during an accident involving a vehicle conveying mining explosives to a site in the area.

Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), which is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) dedicated to the promotion of social justice in the country, pointed out that the minerals commission needed to carry out through investigations to ascertain the actual cause of the explosion.

Ghana Police Service must also be careful of their claims on the explosion since the investigations required technical knowledge and expertise in mining regulations to come out with appropriate findings and solutions.

The claims by the Ghana Police that the DAF truck which was transporting the explosives was under escort might not be true, since that would have prevented the accident that led to the explosion.

From the narration of various witnesses on the ground, the driver of the DAF truck failed to apply the safety measures on the grounds when he got to Appiatse Town.

We observed that the driver might have not stuck to the 50-kilometre per hour speed limit for driving in towns or villages, saying the driver was perhaps driving beyond driving the 50-kilometre per hour limit and that might have led to the collision with the motorcycle and triggered fire.

We added that the issue was purely technical, and therefore, the minerals commission must be allowed to conduct its investigation and come out with the findings.

Therefore, the Minerals Commission must ensure that all logistical vehicles moving out to mining sites were escorted by the police in order to allow such incidents to happen again.

He called on individuals and corporate entities to support the victims of Appiatse to return to return to their normal lives.





Allow EC to do its work – ASIG urges political parties

Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), has asked political parties to give the Electoral Commission peace to work.
The EC as an independent constitutional body has the mandate to ensure that the country’s electoral processes were conducted in a free, fair, and transparent manner to the satisfaction of all interested parties.

It was therefore important for political parties to desist from trying to dictate to the Commission on what it should do.
We urged political parties to stop attempts to prevent the EC from compiling a new voters’ register.

It said the argument that a new voters’ registration exercise would compromise the social gathering protocols of COVID-19, does not hold since the EC could find practicable ways to conduct the exercise.

The statement pointed out that even if EC was applying the social gathering protocol and decided to register 25 persons a day in each of the 33,000 polling stations across the country, the outcome would be an enormous success.


It said unless there was a very comparing reason, the EC should be allowed to start the process or registering voters for the 2020 general elections.

The statement appealed to the EC, to put in place measures that would ensure that every qualified person was registered in order not to disenfranchise anybody from exercising his or her constitutional rights of voting.

It reminded political parties that the country does not belong to them, but rather, it was an opportunity which Ghanaians were offering them to lead.

They therefore, need not try to create the impression that they should always win elections and exercise political power.

Political parties should also desist from attempts to create confusion when they are in opposition.




Clothing Brand Reformation Is Producing Face Masks to Protect ...

(ASIG), a civil society organization dedicated to the promotion of social justice, has called for further education on the wearing of nose masks.

This would help the people appreciate the importance of the nose masks in the fight against the COVID-19 in the country.
Also, it was important for all Ghanaians to know and understand when, where, and how to wear the nose masks, as a preventive measure for COVID-19.

The statement, which was in reaction to the arrest and prosecution of people found not to be wearing the nose masks, said such action would not help in the fight against the spread of the virus.

It said stigmatization associated with the pandemic had become a serious challenge in the fight against the disease in the country, and making the non-wearing of nose masks a sinful act, would aggravate the situation.
What the people needed was an education on why and where he or she should wear the mask since most people were finding it difficult to wear it throughout the day.

“People should be encouraged to cover their nose and mouth when they are going to have an interaction with people”, the statement pointed out.

The statement said if care was not taken, the strict enforcement of the directive would force the people to wear the masks only when they were about to meet the police or any security personnel.

We called on the government and the Ghana Health Service to strengthen public education of the preventive protocols to ensure that people understood and adhered to them without compulsion.




President Akufo-Addo’s Leadership Role In Handling Coronavirus Extolled


Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), a civil society organization spearheading social justice in the country, has praised President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for showing greater leadership in the fight against coronavirus.

The civil society group said President Akufo-Addo has shown and continued to show greater concern and commitment to the prevention and total eradication of Covid-19 in Ghana.

The Chief Executive Officer of ASIG, Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, commended the President in a statement issued and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Kumasi.

The statement noted that all the preventive protocols and restrictive measures imposed by the Government were geared towards containing the further spread of the virus and ensure public safety.

Though it said scientists and health researchers around the globe were working around the clock to produce vaccines to treat the disease, it was time Ghana considered the use and promotion of local medicine to fight the virus.

According to ASIG, traditional steam bath with Nim tree leaves, camphor, lemon, garlic and/or Aidan fruit, had over the years, proved to be very efficacious in the treatment of several diseases and infections.

It, therefore, entreated the government to consider encouraging people to use such traditional herbs for the treatment of the virus and other diseases.
The statement commended Ghanaians for showing kindness by distributing food and other items to the vulnerable during the lockdown in some parts of the country and also contributing to the National Covid-19 Trust Fund.

It appealed to the Government to consider completing the abandoned hospital projects dotted around the country before starting the construction of the 88 proposed new ones as was announced by the President in his eighth televised address to the nation.

The statement also called on ministries of Trade and Industries and Local Government and Rural Development to help restructure trading in the country’s markets to reduce congestion and improve social distancing.

It commended the Ghana Medical Association, Ghana Health Service, organizations, and individuals for standing firm in the fight against the spread of the virus.




ASIG Commends Akufo-Addo For Drastic Coronavirus Measures


In the wake of alarming and rising figures of individuals in countries all over the world infected with the novel coronavirus, we Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) a Civil Society Organization leading genuine advocacy for social justice in the country wish to take this medium to commend the President of the Republic and his entire government machinery for the contingency measures put in place to ensure the safety of citizens and non-citizens in the country from the spread novel CORONA VIRUS (Covid-19 disease).

Since the outbreak of this PANDEMIC – as declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) the Ghanaian media have exhibited utmost dedication in creating awareness and educating the public on daily basis in terms of the ‘dos and don’ts’; among other safety tips which is impressive. We are also taken this opportunity to commend the Ghana Medical Association (GMA) and their leadership for the swift responses and dedication in delivering urgent healthcare to all who require same.

And we are urging the government, media houses and the Ghana Medical Association to stay focused on the fight against the pandemic and neglect certain social, religious and political detractors; as we also commend the leadership of the Christian Council and the office of the Chief Imam for ensuring that safety directives are admitted and adopted by all to promote our country’s safety.

ASIG is, therefore, calling on the entire nation to remain calm, united, and adhere to all safety directives and surely it will all end in triumph.

Finally, ASIG is appealing to the National Media Commission and the Ministry of Communication to keep monitoring to ensure authentic media feeds and utterances to check certain pastors and social commentators who are making distasteful comments about the pandemic and related issues in terms of the cure; and since this is a purely medical terrain it would do us all more to allow the medical and pharmaceutical experts and the appropriate governmental departments or ministries.




Time to decouple the crime prevention and revenue collection mandates of law enforcement of law enforcement agencies in Ghana.

The Ministry of Finance has been urged to effectively implement, the Regulation
157 of Legislative Instrument 2180, 2012, which enforce the law to impose on-the- spot fines for minor road traffic offences in order to stop the police from diverting and misappropriating such funds.
Similarly, the ministry has been tasked to device ways to prevent leakages of
revenues from the public purse in the public agencies like the Ghana Revenue
Authority, the Ghana Immigration Service among others.
According to Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), a civil society
organization in Kumasi, government would be able to generate sufficient funds to
implement its major developmental policies and programs if steps were taken to
find ways to stop misappropriation of funds in these agencies and paid serious
attention to these primary and supplementary revenue collection agencies.
In a letter to the sector minister, Mr. Ken Ofori Atta, signed by the Chief Executive
Officer of the group, Mr. Emmanuel Arthur and copied to the Ghanaian Times, the
group indicated that, it was a common knowledge that leakages and
misappropriation of already collected revenue was one of the major causes of
revenue shortfalls.
The group said these leakages and misappropriation took the form of entrenched
practices of extorting monies from informal and unapproved sources such that,
they have now become invariably accepted by the public.
They stated that, the day to day operations of revenue and law enforcement
agencies whose functions included collection of tolls, fines and levies, were
characterized by collection of unapproved monies or use unapproved means to
collect approved monies in the full glare of the public.
In order to address the menace, the group also called for collaboration between
the ministry and the office of the Special Prosecutor by setting up a unit within
the law enforcement framework, where unemployed graduates would be
recruited and trained for the sole purpose of accounting for tolls, fines and levies.





Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) a civil Society Organisation (CSO) spearheading social justice in the country petitioned road minister over road accidents occurring in the country.

As part of measures to reduce road accidents in the country, government has
been urged to establish Safety Inspectorate Division under the Ministry of
Some of the roles of this division would be to check the conditions of vehicles on
the various lorry terminals thereby ensuring the safety of the passengers, educate
passengers on the roles they could play in ensuring that drivers performed their
duties under standard protocols.
According to the petition,  it was about time government and all other stakeholders took a critical look at the major contributing factors of road accidents in the country.
Mr. Arthur indicated that, the negligence and irresponsibility of stakeholders like
the police, transport owners, the Ghana Highway Authority, and the Driver and
Vehicle License Authority was what has been causing road accidents in the
He said there was the need for safety education to be made an urgent priority on
the roads and the various lorry terminals so that, faulty vehicles did not find their
way on the roads.
The (C.E.O) Mr. Arthur urged that, the various transport companies provided safety devices such as fatigue alarms and speed sensor to prevent drivers from sleeping while
driving and also control speed.





Strengthen TVET to provide employable skills for the youth – ASIG

Advocates of Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), a civil society organization, dedicated to the promotion of social justice in the country, has called on the government to intensify efforts at strengthening Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

This, they believe would help to provide self- employable skills to the youth.

It said government should do well to provide the needed support to erase the negative perception that technical-vocational education and training were for the dull-witted.

A petition signed by Mr Emmanuel Arthur, Chief Executive Officer of ASIG and forwarded to the office of the Minister of Education, and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Kumasi, said it was time government placed much emphasis on technical education.

It listed government’s 2016 election campaign promises achieved so far in the educational sector and the areas that needed improvement as well as suggestions that would help uplift education, improve infrastructure, governance and performance in schools.

According to the petition, the government should prioritise technical and vocational education and provide the needed support to attract the youth to enroll and train to acquire skills that would make them employable.

It praised the government for the introduction and implementation of the free senior high school policy, urging the government to pass a law to give it a legal backing.

Restoration of the teacher-trainee allowances, the recruitment of more teachers, and the introduction of the double-track system to absorb more students to benefit from the free SHS policy, also received high marks.

According to the petition, the abolition of the utility bills paid by students, restoration of the book and research allowances for lecturers and the continuation of the policy to convert polytechnics into technical universities were also laudable.

It suggested to the government to endeavour to complete the E-blocks started by the previous government to help accommodate the increasing number of SHS students.

The petition also urged the government to work with proprietors of private senior high schools to find a way on how they could contribute to ensure the successful implementation of the new educational policy.

It further urged the government to intensify efforts at promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics Education (STEM), at all levels of education to enable pupils and students appreciate the importance of science and technology in development.

ASIG, again appealed to the government to redouble efforts at establishing a research fund to promote research and innovation in the country.




Advocates for social intervention Ghana (ASIG),  a civil society organization spearheading social justice has petitioned the Chief Justice, Sophia Akufo to call for  an immediate probe into a Court of Appeal’s ruling that it describes  as an ”unfair treatment” to a miner who has been dismissed by African Mining Services Ghana Limited, a mining company operating in Tarkwa in the Western Region of Ghana.

New also published by THE WEEKLY SPECTATOR Newspaper on 28th July to 3rd August, 2018.

















Image result for jean mensa

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG),is advising the citizens to desist from
politicizing the appointment of the Chairperson for the Electoral Commission

“For me, the EC is a neutral body whose activities are devoid of partisan politics, and we should as such accord it the recognition and respect it deserves,”

Tagging the EC as an affiliate of a certain parties had over the years, been detrimental to their reputation.

“In most cases, such development create disaffection for their work, thereby causing unnecessary tension in the course of major polls, especially Presidential and Parliamentary Elections,

We are reminding the reminding the citizens in particular, politicians that winning elections was dependent on one’s vigilance, campaign message and hard work.

It is, therefore, wrong for anybody to be suspicious of the work of the EC, which had been instrumental in the conduct of successful elections under the Fourth Republic Constitution.

ASIG welcomed the nomination of Ms Jean Mensa by the Presidency, and expressed the hope that her appointment would enhance the work of the EC.

“Our advice to the nominee is that she should uphold transparency and accountability in the discharge of her duties if given the nod for her appointment,” he observed.







Advocates For Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) is advising His Excellency the President Nana Addo Dankwah  Akufo-Addo not to speak on the US Military Base saga tonight.

Image result for president akufo addo

The president is voted for a purpose and the member of parliaments have their own duties to perform so if the president has gone through with the parliamentarians  then there is no need for him to talk again.

We believe the communication machinery at the presidency has broken down. Adding that Nana Addo’s talks can led him to opposition if he doesn’t take care.

Referring the president to  when his predecessor, former president Mahama was the president of Ghana. Ghanaian’s always called on the former president to respond to issues bordering the nation and consequently ended former president Mahama in opposition.

ASIG once again indicating that because the government’s communication machinery is weak, the opposition party has taken advantage of that and always want the government to respond to issues which he said was not the best.

Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo is set to speak on the controversial military agreement between Ghana and the United States today Thursday, April 5, 2018.

The address which will be broadcast live on various local media platforms at 8pm, will be the president’s first commentary on the matter since it became public but Advocates Social Intervention Ghana has advised the president not to speak on the issue.

It comes as the Minority continues to question the President’s silence on the deal which was passed by a one-sided parliament after a cabinet endorsement.

In an open letter to the President, minority spokesperson on foreign affairs Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa described the president’s silence on the issue as “cold and unusual”.

“Your Excellency, I am compelled to write this open letter for your urgent attention due to your rather unusual, strange and uncharacteristic but determined cold silence on the most crucial issue agitating the minds of Ghanaian’s, thus “the agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Ghana on Defense Cooperation, the Status of United States Forces, and Access to and Use of Agreed Facilities and Areas in the Republic of Ghana” which your majority Members of Parliament defiantly ratified on the 23rd of March, 2018 to conclude the processes you and your Government initiated,” Ablakwa wrote.

The Ghana-US defence cooperation agreement gives American soldiers unimpeded access to certain key installations and in return, the West African country will earn $20 million by way of training of its soldiers and equipment.

Meanwhile, the US has denied that it intends to build a military base in Ghana.




All should support Amidu to perform

Martin-AmiduAdvocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), is rallying the nation to give strong backing to anti-corruption campaigner, Martin Amidu, who has been named as the Special Prosecutor.
     It would need the support of everybody to perform – to more robustly and efficiently carry out his assigned task, so that there would be no motivation for anybody to steal from the state.    
  ASIG  found it both unfortunate and misguided the fear publicly expressed by a section of the population that Mr. Amidu would engage in witch-hunting.
     We are adding that there could not be any basis for anyone to be afraid of anything when they had not been involved in any corrupt acts.
    We are once again reminding Mr. Amidu to be guided by the “National Pledge” as he undertook the challenging task of investigating and prosecuting those suspected to have engaged in corruption.
    As an organization we are expressing total confidence in him and stating that he is the best man for the job.
     ASIG is calling for the government to go the extra mile to adequately resource the anti-corruption institutions including the Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) and Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) to function well.
    We underlined the need to focus more effort on protecting the public purse.





Today 30th day of November, 2017  (ASIG) – a civil society organization, we have dedicated to the promotion of social justice, expressing our disappointment at what we think is the inaction on the side of the Chief Justice (CJ) over our petition against the unfair treatment of miner by his employers.

Is deeply upset that the miner, John Estibah, should be denied justice and continue to suffer emotional pain.

It had been more than three months since the organization made the formal request – to get justice for the man but nothing appeared to be happening and acknowledged by the CJ’s office.

We are adding that if for whatever reason the formal request could not be acted upon, it was reasonable to assume that somebody would write to inform the petitioner, stating why the request could not be considered.

ASIG is stating it is the position of the organization that everybody – not only the powerful and be well-connected but the poor, the weak and dispossessed should have access to the CJ.

ASIG is petitioning the CJ over the sacking of Estibah, by his employers, African Mining Services Ghana Limited.

The man had been employed as an auto-electrician by the mining company on December 06, 2007 but got wrongfully terminated on November 24, 2011.

Dissatisfied with the action of his employers, he took the matter to the Takoradi Circuit Court, presided over by Ms. Afi Agbanu Kudomor, and his case was upheld.

The court ruled that ‘the termination of his appointment is a nullity’ and therefore wrongful. It went ahead to order the company to pay his salary and entitlements from December 2011 to March 2013 as damages.

The company made an application for stay of execution but that was refused by the Court of Appeal in Cape Coast (Civil Division), presided over by Justice Alhaji Saeed Kwaku Gyan, on February 17, 2015.

The way was then cleared for the calculation of the appropriate compensation to Estibah and the figures were computed by the Ghana Mine Workers Union.

The Mining Company disputed the figures and decided to go back to the Court of Appeal. What was at issue was the quantum of money that was to be paid to the dismissed miner.

The Court, however, for unexplained reasons sidestepped the substantive matter before it and ruled on March 27, 2017, that the employer was justified in terminating the appointment of Estibah.




Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), underlining the need for safety education to be made an urgent national priority.
    This call is coming on the heels of the gas explosion at the Atomic Junction, Madina in Accra, which claimed seven lives and left in excess of 132 others, hurt – with burns.
    The accident also caused huge destruction to property.
ASIG is saying that the way forward to prevent such disasters is the combination of rigorous safety education and strict enforcement of regulations by the regulatory bodies.
   “These preventable accidents are becoming one too many. We cannot continue to be reactive, we should be proactive.”
    We are  adding that it is time to take critical look at the contributing factors and to act promptly to tackle these head-on.
   Our statement asked that everybody upheld regulations and procedures intended to prevent accident or injury in public environments and workplaces.
  This, it indicated, called for attitudinal change – it should not be business as usual, the negligence and careless disregard for safety regulations should cease.
As a group, we are calling for the regulatory bodies to act firmly and decisively to stop any breaches of safety rules.
   ASIG welcomes the pledge by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to discuss with his cabinet the way to end the gas explosions and said everybody would, however, have to accept to play their part.  




Free Senior High Education policy means a lot to many

School heads have been asked to show loyalty and love for the nation by going the extra mile to make sure that the free senior high school (SHS) policy becomes a huge success.

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), spearheading a campaign for social justice, says the policy “means a lot for many a Ghanaian” and could not fail.


We are reminding the SHS headmasters and headmistresses that the people would not forgive anybody, out there to undermine or sabotage the policy.

ASIG is calling for the Education Ministry and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to keep close watch on how things were done in the schools and to act firmly to punish those found to have flouted the guidelines.

They should properly supervise the distribution of all materials meant for students – to make sure that nobody was denied what they are supposed to receive free of charge.

We are expressing our disgust at the way some people trading in students’ mattresses, metal and chop boxes, were taking undue advantage of the “free SHS” to cheat and make abnormal profit.

The prices of these items had more than tripled, something it, labelled as “most unfair and completely unacceptable”.

ASIG is therefore suggesting that permanent lockers were provided in students’ dormitories “to save parents from any heartless traders”.

We applauded President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for the bold decision to implement the policy and said by this he had established himself as one of the great leaders in Africa.

What was left was for the people to work together to block revenue leakages and to make corruption unattractive to ensure that there was adequate money to sustain the policy.






Revocation Exton Cubic mining lease, a witch-hunt

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), has waded into the controversy over the revocation of the mining lease of Exton Cubic Limited, labeling it as witch-hunt.

The excuse given by the Lands and Natural Resources Minister that the company failed to obtain environmental permit and operational permit for exploration was not only lame and tasteless but strange and unconvincing.

Press statement issued by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Emmanuel Arthur,

ASIG stated what was happening was not any different from what happened under the previous political administration, where attempt was made to collapse Tobinco Pharmaceuticals by then Food and Drugs authority Board Chairman Dr. Opuni

We cited the arrest of Mr. Kwabena Kesse, CEO of Kessben Group of Companies on the trump up charge of money laundering when Bank of Ghana failed to fix the economy of the country

We have every reason to believe that Exotic Cubic was targeted because the company was connected to Mr. Ibrahim Mahama, a blood relation of former President John Dramani Mahama.

We also indicated that moving equipment by mining companies to mining concessions, before obtaining environmental permit had been a normal practice. There was not anything new.

ASIG is pointing out that what companies granted a mining lease could not do was to begin actual exploration or mining without environmental and operational permits.

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana found it deeply troubling the repeat of past political mistakes and missteps, adding that, the pettiness simply must end.

It should not be lost on anybody the thousands of jobs that Exton Cubic would have created.









ASIG urges national dialogue on suspended towing levy


Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) is pleading to the government to move quickly to ensure a national dialogue on the suspended mandatory towing levy to fine-tune its implementation.

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), we are there needed to be extensive consultation and stakeholder involvement.

Our press statement issued and signed by Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, in Kumasi.

We found it deeply upsetting the needless controversy and excessive heat over the policy, We are adding that, the pain and suffering that broken down trucks, left unattended had been causing would not continue.

ASIG suggested that the daily road toll paid by road users could be adjusted to take care of the towing.

‘We do not think it would be too much asking everybody to make a small sacrifice to prevent lives being lost and other people suffering deep cuts, broken bones and permanent disability.’

ASIG is calling for the government to focus priority on the training of safety inspectors to operate from the various lorry terminals.

These inspectors, should be charged with the responsibility of carrying out proper inspection of every vehicle that leaves the lorry terminal to hit the road to make sure that it has clean bill of health – safety devices functional.

Again, we urged a scale-up of both safety education and enforcement of road traffic regulations, saying, the careless disregard for the law by drivers and other road users must end.

ASIG asked that offenders should face appropriate sanctions to help restore discipline and some level of sanity.

Steps should also be taken to fix bad roads and to see to it that the roads have clear markings and signs on them.





ASIG gives Gov’t a High Marks For Bold Decision On Free SHS

The government has received high marks for the bold decision to implement the free senior high school (SHS) programme in the coming September.

Advocate for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) – as we are dedicated to the promotion of social justice, believes that education is a powerful weapon to fight poverty and that every effort to broaden access is commendable and should be supported by everybody.

This was contained in a press statement issued and signed by Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Emmanuel Arthur.


It however, ask that the government should take a second look at the aggregate score (cut-off) set for admission of students into the SHS.

   We said the “bar must not be raised too high” to deny children in rural deprived schools of the opportunity to enjoy the policy.

We are saying that children in the private and endowed public schools in the cities and urban areas, whose parents had no problem paying for their education, had over the years been scoring good grades in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

The opposite had been the case for their counterparts in the deprived schools and that was why more space needed to be created for children in these schools.

We suggest that education to live their dream even if that would require parents’ having to make a little contribution.

The free SHS policy, is a good initiative and care must be taken to ensure that its implementation did not run into any road blocks that could defeat the intended purpose.

News pressed by: Ghana News Agency,, ModernGhana news, Kessben fm and many more on August 1st, 2017.








Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) write to your highly esteemed office to highlight some challenges which are prone to accident in the society.

Our Ghanaian society has been facing numerous challenges which pose to harm our existence and well being. A prime challenge cited in our community to the unsafe practices by some drivers who commute along the Santasi-Obuasi Highway. Many drivers refuse to apply the Road Safety rules.

Many drivers engage in wrong over taking and over speeding which leads to road accident, there is also not enough traffic light on this areas which normally lead to these incidents.

There are inadequate police personnel in many areas in this Region to control the people especially some drivers who normally park reckless on the roads to pick passengers which leads to many traffic jams and accidents.

A serious act that we wish to draw your attention for your intervention is the neglect of the Hairpin Sign by some drivers. These drivers ply the road mostly with u-turn instead of using the Hairpin Sign. This act is very unsafe and constitutes societal indiscipline.

The Roads linking from Atasemanso, Fankyenebra, Aniyinam and Apire to the Santasi-Obuasi highway are no different from what we witness on other U-turns in the city and others used it as One way.

To be able to solve these problems the authorities need to put some mechanism in place to reduce the incidents which include, creating a lot of speed-drums in the areas which will curb these incidents or installment of traffic lights in these areas.

We edged the Regional Police Commander to provide police personnel on the areas been specified or other areas that are misapplying the rules to direct drivers on how to use the road and stop lawlessness in the society.





Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) wish to extend our sympathy to the Board, Management, Technical Team, Playing Body, Staff, the family of deceased and all Supporters of Kumasi Asante Kotoko following Wednesday’s night (12th July, 2017). Unfortunate accident while the team was returning from Accra after a mid-week match.



We as an advocacy group are devastated by the tragic accident which claimed the life of one Official, One Mr. Kofi Asare, while others including players sustained various degree of injuries. We send our condolences to the family of the deceased.

We as an advocacy group are taking the opportunity to plead to the Transport Ministry and the Minister to layout good measures in other to reduce incident accident occurrences on our roads drastically since one of our priorities aims is to ensure safety in our country.


We suggest to the Minister and the Ministry and to all Ghanaians the need for us to acquire the basic knowledge of Safety by educating ourselves on safety precaution rather than the changing of license or otherwise which will not help in the reduction of accidents and in mistakes made by people’s in accidents occurrence.

When we educate ourselves on the basic knowledge of Safety it will enable us minimize our mistakes in other to avoid/minimize accidents and pre-matured death which are resulting in widowing and orphaning.

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) are pleading to the Government and its Agencies that, it will be necessary for us to locate the cause of a problem first in other to find out solutions to them than to just come out and talk about a problem without detecting it cause and finds out solutions to them which will not help us an individual but the growth and well-being of our country at large.

News released on 17th July, 2017 at Sunsum FM a Kumasi based Radio station.


ASIG sends congratulatory message to CJ

Advocates for Social Intervention, Ghana (ASIG), we are group spearheading the fight against indiscipline, injustice and other wrong doing but we ensure the development and well being of humans. We  has sent a message of congratulation to Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo on her appointment.

The message signed by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, said we have confident that she would continue with the good job done by her predecessor.

We have every reason to believe that she would provide strong and effective leadership to boost public confidence in the judiciary.

ASIG renewed the appeal for investigation into a case involving what it claims to be unfair treatment of a miner by his employers.

The victim, John Etisbah, an auto electrician, working with African Mining Services Ghana Limited (AMSGL) – Chirano Mine Site, on November 24, 2011, was sacked by the company for what it said was his ‘abuse of communication – two-way radio’.

Dissatisfied with the action of his employers, he took the matter to a Takoradi Circuit Court, presided over by Ms. Afi Agbanu Kudomor, and judgement was given in his favour.

The court ruled on July 31, 2014, that the termination of his appointment was a nullity and therefore wrong, and went ahead to order that he should be paid damages for wrongful dismissal.

Etsibah was to be paid his salary from December 2011, to March 2013, and this was subsequently calculated and submitted to the company by the Ghana Mine Workers Union.

AMSGL, it indicated, disputed the figure and made an application to the Appeal Court in Cape Coast and this was dismissed on February 17, 2015.

We alleged that the company returned to the Appeal Court and under strange circumstances secured a judgement absolving it of any wrongdoing in the termination of the appointment of Etsibah.

ASIG found the turn of events baffling, considering the fact that what was at issue was the quantum of money to be paid to the victim and not the property or otherwise of his termination.





Petitioning Chief Justice on our Disagreement over Appeals Court Decision

Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG), is petitioning the Chief Justice over what it claims to be unfair and unjust treatment of a miner by his employers.

Led by the leadership, demanding that, the miner, John Etsibah, is given justice.

The victim an auto electrician, working with African Mining Services Ghana Limited (AMSGL) – Chirano Mine Site, on November 24, 2011, was sacked by the company in what it said was his “abuse of communication – two-way radio”.

Dissatisfied with the action of his employers, he took the matter to a Takoradi Circuit Court, presided over by Ms. Afi Agbanu Kudomor, and judgement was given in his favour.

The court ruled on July 31, 2014, that the termination of his appointment was a nullity and therefore wrong, and went ahead to order that he should be paid damages for wrongful termination.

Our petition, said Etsibah was to be paid his salary from December 2011, to March 2013, and this was subsequently calculated and submitted to the company by the Ghana Mine Workers Union.

AMSGL, it indicated, disputed the figure and made an application to the Appeal Court in Cape Coast and this was dismissed on February 17, 2015.

We alleged that the company returned to the Appeal Court and under strange circumstances, secured a judgement absolving it of any wrongdoing in the termination of the appointment of Etsibah.

ASIG claimed what was at issue was the quantum of money and not the propriety or otherwise of the man’s dismissal.
It therefore found it deeply worrying the court’s shocking decision, which showed complete disregard and trivialized the Collective Agreement – the negotiated agreement between the employer and organized labour.

We wanted the Chief Justice to get to the bottom of the case and to ensure that justice was done.


Advocates for Social Intervention Ghana (ASIG) is calling organized labour to get court’s decision overturned.

We has rallied the leadership of organized labour to move quickly to get an Appeal Court ruling denying a miner of compensation payment, overturned.
A press statement jointly signed Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, its Chief Executive, and Mr. James Addae, Communication Officer, a copy was made available to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Kumasi, described the ruling as travesty of justice, which should not be allowed to stand.
We warned that if left unchallenged it could have serious ramifications for the Ghanaian 

The miner, John Etsibah, an auto electrician, working with African Mining Services Ghana Limited (AMSGL) – Chirano Mine Site, was on November 24, 2011, sacked by the company in what it said was his “abuse of communication – two-way radio”.
Dissatisfied with the action of his employers, he took the matter to a Takoradi Circuit Court, presided over by Ms. Afi Agbanu Kudomor, and judgement was given in his favor.
The court ruled on July 31, 2014, that the termination of his appointment was “a nullity and therefore wrong”, and went ahead to order that he should be paid damages for wrongful dismissal.
It directed that Etsibah be paid his salary from December 2011, to March 2013, and this was subsequently calculated and submitted to the company by the Ghana Mine Workers Union.
AMSGL disputed the figure and made an application to the Appeal Court in Cape Coast and this was dismissed on February 17, 2015.
The company returned to the Appeal Court on March 27, and secured a judgement absolving it of any wrongdoing in the termination of the appointment of Etsibah.
We said what it found baffling was that the matter before the court for determination was the quantum of money due the miner and not the propriety or otherwise of the man’s dismissal.
We are adding that, it was convinced that justice had not been done and that the miner had been given a raw deal.
The court’s decision was a complete disregard for the Collective Agreement – the negotiated agreement between the employer and organized labour, something that needed to be fought to protect workers’ rights. 


Use coercive powers of state to stop the lawlessness

We has urged robust use of the coercive powers of the state to stop what it termed as “the lawlessness, which is making the country unsafe for everybody”.

It said the situation where people took the law into their own hands, acted savagely and with impunity, was completely unacceptable and must not be allowed to continue.

Captain Mahama

The call was contained in a press statement jointly signed by  Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Emmanuel Arthur, and Mr. James Addai, the Head of Communication.

This comes amid widespread shock, anger and condemnation of the shameful and horrific killing of an army officer, Captain Maxwell Mahama by a mob at Denkyira Obuasi near Diaso in the central region of Ghana.

ASIG underlined the need for the security agencies to firmly and boldly enforce the law to make that those who breached the law were punished.

It reminded all Ghanaians to accept to get right with the law, adding that, “we clearly as a people should refuse to be defined by violence and lawlessness”.

ASIG said in a civilized society, the expectation was that, no matter the circumstance, people would allow the state security agencies to “act in our collective interest”.



nullity and therefore wrong, and went ahead to order that he should be paid damages for wrongful dismissal.

Etsibah was to be paid his salary from December 2011, to March 2013, and this was subsequently calculated and submitted to the company by the Ghana Mine Workers Union.

AMSGL, it indicated, disputed the figure and made an application to the Appeal Court in Cape Coast and this was dismissed on February 17, 2015.

We alleged that the company returned to the Appeal Court and under strange circumstances secured a judgement absolving it of any wrongdoing in the termination of the appointment of Etsibah.

ASIG found the turn of events baffling, considering the fact that what was at issue was the quantum of money to be paid to the victim and not the property or otherwise of his termination.


ASIG Commends Akufo-Addo For Drastic Coronavirus Measures